
Entrepreneurial Stories: Studio Kathryn Larsen

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Duis leo. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Sed a libero. Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis.

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Last week Kathryn Larsen returned to the TU Delft to share her experience as an architect and entrepreneur. Kathryn is the founder of Denmark’s first biotech architecture studio and as a alumna of our faculty, her talk was an inspiration for many students following the AR0144 course, not only the ones that are pursuing biobased ventures. This lecture is part of the inspirational lecture series Entrepreneurial Stories, where young entrepreneurs in the built environment show how their companies face today’s societal challenges. Make sure to join us next Monday, June 5th, for the next lecture of the series by Jaime Alonso, founder of Nonica.