“The focus on three urgent social challenges requires procedural and technical innovation, grit, determination and better ways to collaborate.”
— Nynke Sijtsma
Nynke Sijtsma has a rich history in construction and real estate. She held the position of director Transitions and Projects and Head of Architecture and Technology at The Central Government Real Estate Agency and worked for Rijkswaterstaat before she took the position of CEO at De Bouwcampus in 2019. At this time she laid the foundation for how De Bouwcampus accelerates transitions.
De Bouwcampus aims to accelerate the transition of ten different trajectories within the construction industry. These ten may be categorised within three complex and urgent social challenges: Replacement & Restoration Infrastructure, Sustainability Buildings & Environment and Reorganisation Urban Underground Space. Our approach is dynamic and specific to intervention methods that fit the unique dynamics and possibilities within each trajectory. Because of our constant attention to the development of transitions, we have evolved ourselves into an independent expert platform for construction transitions. This allows us to influence the entire chain, from factory to parliament.
Read more about the company on their website